If I were

If I were: Andrew Thawe

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Blantyre Water Board (BWB) chief executive officer, I would appreciate that the problem of water supply in the city has reached a critical stage; hence the need to do something about the situation.

If I were Thawe, I would realise that when some locations such as Soche East in Blantyre go for a week without water supply, and with no explanation from the board, then something is terribly wrong.

As the Minister responsible for Water Development and Irrigation Anita Kalinde rightly observed, BWB needs to be on top of things and inform its customers about the projects they are undertaking to improve water supply other than just sitting phwiiii!

I would appreciate, if I were bwana Thawe, that water is life and to keep the supply lines dry for about a week without an explanation is irresponsible and unfortunate.

How I wish I were the BWB CEO, because I would not wait for the minister to school the board on the need to improve on public relations.

That is if only I were the CEO of BWB. Fortunately enough, I am not him!

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